World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 16:07:46 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Mar 1 2011 to Mar 31 2011

Requests Received During Summary Period           12803
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period     18122882987
Average Requests Received Daily                     413
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily               584609129

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
59.68  2.53    459349753     7641 | com   Commercial
15.25 44.65   8091439673     1952 | unresolved 
 8.20  0.00       319162     1050 | ch    Switzerland
 7.70 33.37   6048242349      986 | net   Network
 1.48  6.46   1170927294      190 | ru    Russian Federation
 1.33  0.00        67243      170 | nl    Netherlands
 0.99  2.89    524206592      127 | lv    Latvia
 0.63  0.51     91979340       81 | in    India
 0.57  0.22     39961402       73 | se    Sweden
 0.39  0.06     11699360       50 | vn    Viet Nam
 0.34  0.52     93472017       44 | de    Germany
 0.30  0.01      2362068       39 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.21  4.26    771350944       27 | au    Australia
 0.20  0.03      4713675       25 | mg    Madagascar
 0.19  0.35     63001204       24 | fr    France
 0.18  0.35     63629909       23 | ro    Romania
 0.18  0.04      8042942       23 | tw    Taiwan
 0.16  0.22     39511002       21 | hu    Hungary
 0.14  0.04      6364095       18 | ua    Ukraine
 0.13  0.01      1358106       17 | dk    Denmark
 0.11  0.15     26666289       14 | za    South Africa
 0.10  0.31     55362133       13 | id    Indonesia
 0.09  0.05      8770299       12 | mx    Mexico
 0.09  0.07     13354854       11 | edu   Educational
 0.09  0.07     12579710       11 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.09  0.02      3645950       11 | jp    Japan
 0.07  0.08     14906486        9 | be    Belgium
 0.07  0.01      1724114        9 | fi    Finland
 0.06  0.79    143761778        8 | rs    Serbia
 0.06  0.06      9996212        8 | co    Colombia
 0.05  0.18     32785643        7 | sa    Saudi Arabia
 0.05  0.04      6910978        7 | my    Malaysia
 0.05  0.01      1947612        7 | th    Thailand
 0.05  0.14     24695015        6 | br    Brazil
 0.04  0.15     26517832        5 | no    Norway
 0.04  0.10     18033786        5 | ee    Estonia
 0.04  0.03      6112032        5 | il    Israel
 0.04  0.03      6066314        5 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.03  0.13     24043348        4 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.03  0.00       215354        4 | pk    Pakistan
 0.02  0.16     29848162        3 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.02  0.13     22889766        3 | ph    Philippines
 0.02  0.04      6997352        3 | pl    Poland
 0.02  0.03      5308436        3 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.02  0.00       808618        3 | cl    Chile
 0.02  0.00       710570        3 | jo    Jordan
 0.02  0.07     12786257        2 | at    Austria
 0.02  0.06     10687962        2 | lt    Lithuania
 0.02  0.03      6004760        2 | ie    Ireland
 0.02  0.03      4810533        2 | cy    Cyprus

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
54.78  0.01      1402800     7014 | com.tucows
15.25 44.65   8091439673     1952 | Unresolved
 8.19  0.00       318411     1049 | ch.critical
 2.95  0.00       148932      378 | net.etoilebsd
 1.81  1.73    314145380      232 |
 1.58  0.34     62419068      202 |
 1.32  0.00        66492      169 | nl.demon
 1.24  0.51     93260016      159 | com.googlebot
 0.99  2.89    524206592      127 | lv.lanet
 0.41  0.00        32705       53 |
 0.40  0.00        29513       51 | com.wowrack
 0.30  0.01      1838060       39 |
 0.29  0.00       749127       37 | se.tdc.addr.22.106.131
 0.27  0.00        13584       34 | org.portscout
 0.22 28.12   5095415230       28 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.20  0.10     18828344       25 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.20  0.03      4713675       25 | mg.blueline
 0.13  0.00        23394       17 | com.as13448
 0.12  0.06     10257471       16 | net.proxad.fbx
 0.12  0.02      3835866       16 |
 0.12  0.00       791283       16 |
 0.11  0.39     71349920       14 | ru.corbina.broadband
 0.11  0.01      1131238       14 |
 0.09  0.06     10962647       12 | ro.rdsnet
 0.09  0.03      5592869       11 | net.kingdom-kvcd
 0.08  0.06     10916855       10 | net.mycingular
 0.08  0.00       236636       10 | vn.vdc
 0.08  0.00         5820       10 | dk.comxnet.cust.obr91.c331
 0.07  0.26     46302918        9 | net.arcor-ip.pools
 0.07  0.03      6267379        9 | net.qwest.phnx
 0.07  0.02      3815553        9 | net.opera-mini
 0.07  0.01      1463997        9 | vn.fpt.hcm
 0.06  3.87    700867435        8 | ru.gubkin
 0.06  0.30     55273550        8 | de.superkabel
 0.06  0.05      9044597        8 |
 0.06  0.01      1431299        8 | ru.mtu-net.pppoe
 0.06  0.00         4343        8 |
 0.05  0.05      9028733        7 | vn.viettel
 0.05  0.05      8498328        7 |
 0.05  0.04      8064594        7 | net.comcastbusiness.hfc
 0.05  0.01      1887600        7 | de.alicedsl.adsl
 0.05  0.00       128357        7 | ru.avangarddsl.pppoe
 0.05  0.00         1952        7 | se.tdc.addr.8.106.131
 0.05  0.12     21724787        6 | net.mediaways.pool
 0.05  0.07     12135406        6 |
 0.05  0.05      9837328        6 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.05  0.01      2312399        6 |
 0.05  0.00       249560        6 | ru.debryansk.tts
 0.05  0.00        45913        6 | se.tdc.addr.5.106.131
 0.05  0.00         3492        6 | com.serverpronto

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 4.17  0.03      5246529      534 | /files/x11/scientific/mtk-1.3.1b2.tar.gz
 1.69  0.29     52773969      217 | /files/rh9.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm
 1.51  1.92    348293757      193 | /files/console/entertain/quake2-3.20-glibc-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
 1.30  1.19    215146392      167 | /files/quicktime4linux-2.0.0-src.tar.bz2
 1.20  0.42     75389706      153 | /files/putty-0.60.tar.gz
 1.19  0.00       277264      152 | /files/dlume-0.2.4.tar.gz
 1.14  0.00       144130      146 | /files/x11/dock/wmcube-0.98.tar.gz
 1.13  0.00       272621      145 | /files/mixmos-0.2.0.tar.gz
 0.87  0.06     11725583      112 | /files/usbview-1.0.tar.gz
 0.62  0.00       542662       80 | /files/gtkgep-0.2.2-src.tgz
 0.55  0.08     13982013       70 | /files/gd-2.0.33.tar.gz
 0.52  0.05      9164258       66 | /files/expect-5.32.1.tar.gz
 0.51  0.09     17043112       65 | /files/x11/scientific/molmol-2.6.0-src.tar.gz
 0.47  1.57    283969826       60 | /files/bypass_client_linux.bin
 0.42  2.04    369547980       54 | /files/vlc-1.1.7.tar.bz2
 0.42  0.15     26517742       54 | /files/dosemu-
 0.42  0.11     20125580       54 | /files/x11/scientific/xmgr-4.00a.bin.tgz
 0.42  0.02      2749787       54 | /files/console/dev/tavrasm.tar.gz
 0.41  0.59    106363870       53 | /files/IB65_eval_linux.gz
 0.41  0.01      1710184       53 | /files/kturtle-0.1.tgz
 0.39  0.02      2989606       50 | /files/gnuchess-5.06.tar.gz
 0.37  0.02      2924608       47 | /files/x11/file/linuxcmd-0.5.2.tar.gz
 0.34  0.05      9341001       44 | /files/Minicom-2.00.src.tar.gz
 0.31  0.38     69761324       40 | /files/opera-11.00-1156.i386.linux.tar.bz2
 0.31  0.19     35305936       40 | /files/console/dev/pl-5.0.10-93.i386.rpm
 0.30  0.02      3946330       39 | /files/x11/entertain/VGB22-Linux-80x86-bin.tar.Z
 0.29  0.09     16071200       37 | /files/xtraceroute-0.9.1.tar.gz
 0.29  0.01      1753339       37 | /files/
 0.26  4.46    808330549       33 | /files/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
 0.25  0.00         6400       32 | /files/wusagedl.exe
 0.24  0.03      4984698       31 | /files/Captura.tar.gz
 0.24  0.00         7037       31 | /.mirror_timestamp_z1
 0.24  0.00         7037       31 | /.mirror_timestamp_a
 0.23  0.00        52312       29 | /files/console/servers/netkit-bootparamd-0.10.tar.gz
 0.22  0.00       805108       28 | /files/console/network/mmr-1.5.6.tar.gz
 0.21  0.01      1305615       27 | /files/sw-sdk-java-2.6.3.tar.gz
 0.20  0.06     11560184       26 | /files/
 0.20  0.00       485281       26 | /files/sudoku.tar.gz
 0.20  0.19     33641113       25 | /files/MVTS-217-Linux.tgz
 0.20  0.01      1216100       25 | /files/pcal-4.7.1.tar.gz
 0.20  0.00       555386       25 | /files/x11/office/erwin-0.3.1.tar.gz
 0.19  0.02      3800994       24 | /files/jabber-1.4.2.tar.gz
 0.18  0.94    170136049       23 | /files/VMware-workstation-5.5.0-18463.tar.gz
 0.18  0.14     25407754       23 | /files/superupdate.exe
 0.18  0.01      2357020       23 | /files/kde/network/kppp-1.6.25.tar.bz2
 0.17  0.08     13777091       22 | /files/keduca-0.4.tar.gz
 0.17  0.02      3237302       22 | /files/console/dev/sdcc-2.2.0a.tar.gz
 0.17  0.01      1021780       22 | /files/x11/file/
 0.16  0.00        58084       21 | /files/console/servers/squidtaild-2.1a6.tgz
 0.16  0.02      3625563       20 | /files/mpp-free-1.2-112.Linux.i386.tar.gz

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0