#!/usr/bin/perl # # This came from Lee McLoughlin (untested) # # "I noticed that cusi.html had been rearranged a bit recently. # In order to make it easier for me to use your latest version # I constructed the following simple perl script to personal # the cusi.html page for local needs." # # Fixup the cusi.html page from NEXOR to personalise it for the Local site. $* = 1; while( <> ){ if( /^/ ){ # Insert local header at the start of the document ##### PERSONALISE THIS print <

Welcome to CUSI on SunSITE NE

CUSI provides a common interface to most of the search engines on WWW.

To run a search:

  1. select one of the general areas below,
  2. use the pop-up menu to select a particular index,
  3. fill in the search term,
  4. then Submit.

EOF # Remove the NEXOR header while( <> ){ last if /^\s*$/; } next; } # Change some hrefs that are local to NEXOR to be fully qualified # so they will work here. s,href="doc,href="http://web.nexor.co.uk/public/cusi/doc,gi; s,href="/public,href="http://web.nexor.co.uk/public,gi; s,Our,NEXORS,; ##### CHANGE THESE: # Fix where cgi-bin/cusi is s,http://pubweb.nexor.co.uk/public/cusi/cgi-bin/cusi,http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cusi,gi; # Change the signature (at the bottom of the file). s,Martijn Koster,Lee McLoughlin,gi; ##### MAYBE COMMENT THESE OUT # Select a different archieplex s,http://web.nexor.co.uk/public/archie,http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/archieplex,gi; print; }