World-Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Fri, 08 Sep 1995 17:28:13 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Jun 1 1995 to Jun 30 1995

Files Transmitted During Summary Period            7189
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        17745541
Average Files Transmitted Daily                     248
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                  611915

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
40.76 33.70      5979580     2930 | 
22.76 23.05      4090978     1636 | unresolved 
14.65 13.72      2434313     1053 | lv    Latvia
 6.38  7.51      1333266      459 | com   US Commercial
 4.47  4.47       793072      321 | edu   US Educational
 1.54  1.86       329985      111 | net   Network
 1.49  2.27       402349      107 | se    Sweden
 1.07  1.28       226598       77 | uk    United Kingdom
 1.00  1.32       234998       72 | de    Germany
 0.81  0.74       131506       58 | au    Australia
 0.72  1.26       223751       52 | ee    Estonia
 0.70  1.50       266542       50 | ca    Canada
 0.68  1.70       302293       49 | fi    Finland
 0.39  1.80       319998       28 | it    Italy
 0.26  0.22        39248       19 | be    Belgium
 0.21  0.11        20277       15 | no    Norway
 0.21  0.28        49533       15 | nl    Netherlands
 0.18  0.12        20472       13 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.17  0.38        68155       12 | su    USSR (former)
 0.15  0.16        28124       11 | us    United States

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
22.76 23.05      4090978     1636 | Unresolved
14.37 14.78      2623305     1033 | lv.lanet.lvrulv11
 5.11  2.34       415897      367 | lv.lanet.sl231
 4.05  3.44       609580      291 |
 2.99  1.68       297730      215 | lv.lanet.pc57
 2.84  1.23       219053      204 | lv.lanet.val106
 1.91  0.96       170462      137 | lv.lanet.sl230
 1.88  1.33       235366      135 | lv.lanet.pc51
 1.84  1.50       265575      132 | lv.swh
 1.24  1.61       284835       89 | com.compuserve
 1.20  1.25       221709       86 | lv.bkc.lbsc
 1.11  0.73       129481       80 | lv.bkc
 1.04  1.34       237736       75 | lv.riga
 1.04  0.76       134694       75 | lv.lanet.pc30
 1.02  0.91       162308       73 | lv.lanet.osis
 0.97  0.97       172751       70 | lv.cclu
 0.97  0.77       136693       70 |
 0.93  0.77       135790       67 | edu.mtu.cs
 0.92  0.72       127435       66 | lv.lanet.pc37
 0.77  1.44       255761       55 | lv.lanet.pc39

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
14.27  5.17       917973     1026 | /pirma.html
 3.13  7.08      1255943      225 | /links/other.html
 3.06  0.23        40446      220 | /cgi-bin/cusi
 2.92  4.39       779172      210 | /links/latvia.html
 2.75  0.88       155848      198 | /members/
 2.28  4.65       824464      164 | /about.html
 2.14  1.87       332472      154 | /members/LU/
 1.75  1.74       308319      126 | /news/airplay/new.html
 1.71  0.59       104769      123 | /news/
 1.66  8.34      1479904      119 | /services/cusi/cusi.html
 1.60  0.54        96039      115 | /services/
 1.60  0.53        93731      115 | /news/airplay/
 1.53  0.67       119340      110 | /news/exch/
 1.50  2.22       394017      108 | /services/archieplex/doc/form.html
 1.40  7.60      1348299      101 | /cgi-bin/archieplexform
 1.10  0.82       145059       79 | /whatsnew.html
 0.82  3.38       599313       59 | /news/exch/vk_1995.html
 0.65  2.03       359420       47 | /members/LU/dep_cs.html
 0.61  1.66       295043       44 | /cgi-bin/archieplex
 0.58  0.45        80706       42 | /links/Latvia.html

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0