World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 14:19:44 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Jun 1 1997 to Jun 30 1997

Requests Received During Summary Period          256110
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period      1181381887
Average Requests Received Daily                    8537
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                39379396

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
31.80 19.11    225820848    81433 | lv    Latvia
29.37 21.61    255269674    75211 | unresolved 
13.61 18.09    213699270    34848 | com   Commercial
 6.17 10.35    122254641    15799 | net   Network
 2.57  4.15     49016559     6591 | de    Germany
 1.63  2.27     26846081     4171 | edu   Educational
 1.29  2.31     27247557     3314 | au    Australia
 1.26  1.90     22469033     3236 | ca    Canada
 1.21  1.93     22822454     3106 | uk    United Kingdom
 1.17  2.04     24094685     3008 | se    Sweden
 1.08  1.78     20992737     2756 | jp    Japan
 0.79  0.98     11575833     2016 | fi    Finland
 0.68  0.70      8241659     1739 | ee    Estonia
 0.64  1.30     15320318     1627 | it    Italy
 0.48  0.82      9742397     1230 | nl    Netherlands
 0.41  0.71      8355833     1049 | pl    Poland
 0.41  0.59      6951968     1048 | il    Israel
 0.37  0.46      5377016      956 | no    Norway
 0.29  0.52      6137791      747 | ch    Switzerland
 0.27  0.47      5521782      687 | sg    Singapore
 0.24  0.39      4564474      607 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.23  0.48      5659779      586 | es    Spain
 0.23  0.28      3341808      579 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.22  0.35      4105750      570 | at    Austria
 0.22  0.34      4027507      565 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.22  0.31      3695947      557 | be    Belgium
 0.22  0.49      5809327      552 | us    United States
 0.20  0.26      3050170      521 | fr    France
 0.19  0.37      4341805      494 | my    Malaysia
 0.17  0.21      2477658      435 | dk    Denmark

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
29.37 21.61    255269674    75211 | Unresolved
 9.13  4.23     49963933    23387 | lv.lanet
 3.29  2.00     23664404     8414 | com.atext
 2.55  1.07     12605682     6542 |
 2.48  2.86     33773977     6349 |
 1.61  0.58      6897046     4129 |
 1.24  0.92     10848107     3175 |
 1.19  1.23     14549297     3046 | lv.latnet
 1.17  2.47     29170752     2984 | lv.riga
 1.07  0.58      6831543     2753 |
 0.81  0.39      4618800     2086 | lv.parks
 0.79  0.48      5641235     2030 |
 0.77  0.28      3272663     1975 |
 0.68  0.40      4772964     1729 | lv.apollo
 0.57  0.47      5578467     1469 | lv.telekom
 0.56  0.23      2703874     1442 | lv.lmuza
 0.52  0.34      4002686     1321 | lv.fortech
 0.50  3.10     36608859     1278 | com.netneo
 0.41  0.14      1709409     1050 | lv.swh
 0.38  0.81      9608869      965 | se.swipnet
 0.37  0.19      2283672      938 | lv.swh.perses
 0.36  0.25      2972632      926 | com.inktomi
 0.34  0.41      4786701      881 | lv.bkc
 0.32  0.19      2287188      828 | lv.lanet.baltkom
 0.30  0.15      1777684      775 | lv.bkc.as1
 0.30  0.06       703064      758 |
 0.27  0.33      3872064      684 | com.compuserve.lon
 0.24  0.14      1622759      607 | lv.energo
 0.23  0.10      1190606      599 | lv.latnet.acad
 0.23  0.32      3736052      599 | com.netcom.ix

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 8.76  2.23     26303688    22438 | /cgi-bin/Count.cgi
 5.73  1.63     19291068    14669 | /
 5.06 43.18    510106635    12958 | /misc/charts/
 0.50  0.11      1243820     1270 | /links/llatvia.html
 0.49  0.51      6033349     1244 | /cgi-bin/wwwwais
 0.47  1.92     22646406     1207 | /links/lwww.html
 0.45  0.04       505830     1165 | /cgi-bin/cusi
 0.44  0.35      4118462     1130 | /members/LU/
 0.37  0.34      4019248      941 | /news/exch/vk.html
 0.36  0.20      2359408      925 | /news/airplay/new.html
 0.35  0.08       906884      887 | /links/latvia.html
 0.33  1.01     11899591      847 | /services/cusi/cusi.html
 0.27  1.32     15647990      688 | /links/ewww.html
 0.25  0.13      1546693      637 | /news/kiegelis/
 0.24  0.15      1779255      625 | /news/all.html
 0.24  0.06       734774      622 | /members/
 0.24  0.42      4959579      605 | /links/other.html
 0.23  0.08       992602      585 | /news/exch/
 0.23  0.13      1502395      581 | /news/
 0.22  0.40      4731926      573 | /whatsnew.html
 0.22  0.15      1804058      556 | /news/spice/
 0.20  0.37      4327842      506 | /users/judrups/Humor/puks.html
 0.17  0.26      3097876      431 | /members/LU/homepages/
 0.16  0.03       335882      412 | /services/
 0.15  0.06       717720      389 | /util/search/lindex.html
 0.15  0.05       633946      372 | /news/exch/lindex.html
 0.14  0.07       821381      350 | /news/rock/1997/
 0.14  0.45      5264774      349 | /misc/charts/year.html
 0.13  0.04       427628      337 | /business/
 0.13  0.05       601162      333 | /util/search/
 0.12  0.19      2276556      313 | /cgi-bin/archieplexform
 0.12  0.03       372670      313 | /business/lindex.html
 0.11  0.30      3545659      290 | /links/lhp.html
 0.11  0.03       308710      286 | /books/ipc/
 0.11  0.08       887873      277 | /users/judrups/Humor/aol.html
 0.11  0.20      2379242      271 | /index/
 0.10  0.01       148192      262 | /izm/
 0.10  0.04       454898      256 | /news/airplay/
 0.10  0.04       450287      248 | /links/lftp.html
 0.09  0.04       452270      236 | /izm/galva.html
 0.09  0.02       230764      232 | /izm/pogas.html
 0.09  0.06       712029      221 | /services/archieplex/doc/form.html
 0.08  0.08       917174      213 | /members/LU/f_phmath.html
 0.08  0.03       410635      203 | /links/eftp.html
 0.08  0.03       365660      200 | /users/judrups/Humor/dogname.html
 0.08  0.21      2437276      195 | /links/ehp.html
 0.07  0.09      1035880      190 | /books/ipc/g/i000.html
 0.07  0.01       152355      177 | /books/ipc/i0.html
 0.06  0.26      3050032      165 | /books/ipc/g/i100.html
 0.06  0.01        68470      165 | /books/ipc/g/i.html

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0