World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 22:44:23 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Sep 1 2001 to Sep 30 2001

Requests Received During Summary Period          393441
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period      6727764022
Average Requests Received Daily                   13115
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily               224258801

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
32.36 34.36   2311771359   127329 | unresolved 
28.94 42.19   2838682754   113879 | lv    Latvia
14.65  7.07    475611586    57657 | com   Commercial
 8.92  5.04    338916837    35081 | net   Network
 1.83  0.46     31099133     7186 | uk    United Kingdom
 1.36  0.66     44645929     5363 | it    Italy
 1.08  0.51     34554435     4261 | de    Germany
 1.02  0.90     60595798     4009 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.99  0.68     45810734     3894 | fr    France
 0.86  0.29     19743251     3381 | be    Belgium
 0.58  0.15     10423727     2270 | ch    Switzerland
 0.53  0.37     24859107     2104 | ca    Canada
 0.48  0.62     41801761     1899 | au    Australia
 0.35  0.29     19362055     1385 | nl    Netherlands
 0.32  0.44     29824069     1273 | edu   Educational
 0.29  0.30     20426886     1141 | se    Sweden
 0.29  0.06      4167725     1127 | at    Austria
 0.28  0.20     13353947     1105 | fi    Finland
 0.28  0.36     24032248     1085 | es    Spain
 0.27  0.11      7115433     1072 | sa    Saudi Arabia
 0.27  0.21     14218392     1068 | ee    Estonia
 0.25  0.44     29492273      973 | pl    Poland
 0.21  0.20     13575961      844 | dk    Denmark
 0.21  0.21     14342337      842 | jp    Japan
 0.20  0.49     32668707      790 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.19  0.12      8003287      765 | ua    Ukraine
 0.19  0.41     27459037      735 | br    Brazil
 0.19  0.12      8116454      733 | ar    Argentina
 0.18  0.37     24957584      713 | mx    Mexico
 0.18  0.06      4176407      708 | il    Israel
 0.18  0.03      2333625      697 | ae    United Arab Emirates
 0.15  0.17     11590200      574 | gr    Greece
 0.13  0.05      3329531      502 | us    United States
 0.12  0.04      2864687      471 | lt    Lithuania
 0.10  0.04      2409986      382 | no    Norway
 0.09  0.26     17325263      371 | hu    Hungary
 0.09  0.06      4017822      366 | pt    Portugal
 0.08  0.20     13507105      328 | ro    Romania
 0.07  0.03      2238728      289 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.07  0.02      1169084      265 | tr    Turkey
 0.06  0.02      1160070      245 | my    Malaysia
 0.06  0.10      6696527      240 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.06  0.08      5561964      224 | mil   US Military
 0.06  0.01       957613      221 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.05  0.01       926358      212 | cl    Chile
 0.04  0.04      2458525      170 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.04  0.02      1268339      160 | in    India
 0.04  0.10      6933909      151 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.04  0.01       487106      150 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.04  0.09      6275117      145 | sg    Singapore

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
32.36 34.36   2311771359   127329 | Unresolved
 3.23 12.94    870668158    12718 |
 2.93  3.05    205428728    11520 | lv.lanet
 2.35  1.39     93272661     9248 |
 2.00  3.59    241191550     7859 | lv.latnet
 1.74  0.66     44450412     6827 |
 1.57  0.41     27527744     6191 | com.googlebot
 1.46  0.65     43814867     5725 | net.t-dialin.dip
 1.34  0.33     22195211     5253 | com.inktomisearch
 1.19  0.01       588595     4693 | lv.mednet
 1.09  0.38     25498470     4280 | lv.parks
 1.06  0.07      4495266     4179 |
 0.98  0.44     29523432     3871 |
 0.96  1.04     70207723     3764 | lv.delfi.eth
 0.94  3.31    222487970     3713 | lv.telekom
 0.94  0.86     57537798     3704 | lv.apollo
 0.84  1.12     75624821     3293 |
 0.73  0.23     15526307     2874 | com.freefind
 0.72  0.16     10928209     2848 | com.inktomi
 0.66  0.54     36178942     2610 |
 0.64  0.65     43794759     2503 | lv.delfi
 0.64  0.28     19092270     2503 | net.mcbone
 0.62  0.46     30961210     2447 | fr.wanadoo.abo
 0.61  0.18     11994539     2403 | net.fastsearch.sac2
 0.48  0.18     11783193     1874 |
 0.47  0.23     15177806     1857 | lv.balticom
 0.38  0.18     12195667     1506 | lv.bates-adm
 0.36  0.02      1490596     1404 | be.reference
 0.35  0.19     12814639     1367 | lv.btv
 0.32  0.21     13917125     1272 | com.openfind
 0.32  0.11      7599277     1266 |
 0.32  0.27     17945349     1263 |
 0.32  0.31     20984919     1245 | lv.lanet.valmiera
 0.31  0.08      5227224     1224 | com.btinternet
 0.30  0.53     35774129     1186 | lv.mpe
 0.30  0.13      8891755     1169 | lv.delfi.dsl
 0.29  0.06      4279117     1160 | it.tin
 0.29  0.08      5450322     1151 | ch.bluewin
 0.29  0.46     31009980     1149 | lv.llu.cs
 0.29  0.11      7426730     1131 | lv.presesnams
 0.28  0.14      9115105     1097 |
 0.28  1.27     85442682     1089 | lv.dati
 0.27  0.11      7115433     1072 |
 0.27  0.18     12202546     1059 | lv.unibanka
 0.26  0.25     16500492     1025 |
 0.26  0.21     14396808     1023 | lv.lmt
 0.25  0.20     13134833      997 | lv.teliamtc
 0.25  0.08      5488215      988 |
 0.25  0.05      3372058      980 | it.tiscalinet.dialup
 0.25  0.02      1043512      975 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.67  0.08      5252267     2627 | /~mm90421/galva.htm
 0.61  1.03     69444176     2399 | /~ludarbi/lu/lu_index.html
 0.51  0.03      1812262     2012 | /~mm90421/
 0.42  0.07      4696752     1649 | /~mm90421/saturs.htm
 0.32  0.02      1586972     1262 | /
 0.29  0.01       434180     1142 | /~ludarbi/
 0.29  0.16     10775734     1135 | /~pavenis/rhide.html
 0.25  0.12      7890883      994 | /~mm90421/foto.htm
 0.20  0.00       111176      785 | /~sd80030/main.htm
 0.19  0.00       303152      767 | /~sv55063/
 0.19  0.04      2876595      758 | /~sd80030/v.htm
 0.19  0.00       150531      730 | /~sd80030/z.htm
 0.17 11.52    774900934      658 | /~pavenis/rhide/
 0.15  0.01       575878      592 | /~sv70633/
 0.14  0.09      5725920      569 | /~sv70633/welcome.html
 0.14  0.03      2137344      568 | /~sv70633/contents.html
 0.14  0.01       688713      556 | /~luua/
 0.13  0.02      1270556      498 | /~luua/uatop.htm
 0.12  0.00       290439      483 | /~luua/uazem.htm
 0.12  0.02      1615976      478 | /~satim/
 0.12  0.00       186978      477 | /~sv55063/images/
 0.11  0.02      1116786      440 | /~luua/ua.htm
 0.08  0.00       239155      332 | /~julita/
 0.08  0.36     24088274      314 | /~sd50014/usr/visiusr.txt
 0.08  0.02      1607647      311 | /~mm90421/dina/
 0.07  0.03      2268687      294 | /~julita/mans.htm
 0.07  0.01       354571      290 | /~luua/20012002/20012002.htm
 0.07  0.06      4319563      289 | /~sv70633/table.html
 0.07  0.09      5853465      284 | /~ludarbi/lu/rtu_index.html
 0.07  0.01       657009      278 | /~julita/augsceli.htm
 0.07  0.05      3438878      277 | /~sd50074/killleo.html
 0.07  0.01       538970      275 | /~julita/bildites.htm
 0.07  0.02      1586390      259 | /~sd90079/
 0.06  0.20     13514063      251 | /~lbulig/
 0.06  0.00       292012      238 | /~drikis/
 0.06  0.01       862088      236 | /~ackups/
 0.06  0.00       144325      235 | /~sd70090/joki/
 0.06  0.01       964470      231 | /~drikis/1F-datori/1F-datori.html
 0.06  0.02      1174272      227 | /~mm90421/dina/foto.html
 0.06  0.02      1235350      222 | /~sv70633/programs.html
 0.06  0.00       223136      218 | /misc/
 0.05  0.01       428056      212 | /~sd50014/usr/
 0.05  0.01       699145      205 | /~sd70090/joki/saturs.htm
 0.05  0.01       737504      203 | /~lbulig/mdl_files/image003.png
 0.05  0.00       139138      201 | /~julita/liml/
 0.05  0.01       555860      200 | /~mm90421/labais.htm
 0.05  0.00       212484      195 | /~sv70633/payphone/
 0.05  0.01       473708      191 | /~sd70090/joki/main.htm
 0.05  0.17     11230458      187 | /~julita/liml/limliets.htm
 0.05  0.01       834750      187 | /~sv70633/payphone/payph_cont.html
 0.05  0.00       186376      187 | /~ackups/lat/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0