World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 15:32:38 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Aug 1 2011 to Aug 31 2011

Requests Received During Summary Period          240967
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period    438354317509
Average Requests Received Daily                    7773
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily             14140461855

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
74.80 20.69  90709485541   180244 | com   Commercial
11.97 24.23 106227689609    28833 | unresolved 
 7.10 39.52 173240326829    17099 | net   Network
 0.92  0.20    893586012     2223 | cn    China
 0.68  1.03   4493506424     1630 | pl    Poland
 0.62  0.99   4334566733     1499 | de    Germany
 0.58  0.84   3673390855     1407 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.39  1.14   5000839936      941 | in    India
 0.28  1.21   5307210873      676 | au    Australia
 0.28  0.95   4167430241      665 | br    Brazil
 0.11  0.54   2370872050      274 | za    South Africa
 0.10  0.41   1786590452      241 | th    Thailand
 0.09  0.03    138728089      227 | tw    Taiwan
 0.09  0.36   1598093371      218 | ro    Romania
 0.09  0.42   1839782288      214 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.08  0.41   1814893352      191 | gr    Greece
 0.07  0.33   1429987263      178 | be    Belgium
 0.07  0.11    482783541      176 | nl    Netherlands
 0.07  0.39   1728493611      174 | bg    Bulgaria
 0.06  0.27   1180448933      153 | jp    Japan
 0.06  0.36   1576945973      145 | my    Malaysia
 0.06  0.17    758960949      145 | dk    Denmark
 0.06  0.16    705152344      142 | rs    Serbia
 0.06  0.21    905226095      140 | hu    Hungary
 0.05  0.33   1427707540      128 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.05  0.27   1192915268      128 | mx    Mexico
 0.05  0.23   1005194789      122 | sg    Singapore
 0.05  0.14    626105076      117 | fr    France
 0.05  0.34   1506934576      116 | ph    Philippines
 0.05  0.11    489549504      111 | vn    Viet Nam
 0.04  0.25   1097657539      102 | lv    Latvia
 0.04  0.19    811000154      100 | ar    Argentina
 0.04  0.07    285950353       99 | hk    Hong Kong
 0.04  0.16    701598383       94 | fi    Finland
 0.04  0.16    697761304       86 | no    Norway
 0.03  0.18    796597991       83 | edu   Educational
 0.03  0.13    575732822       82 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.03  0.08    360297515       79 | at    Austria
 0.03  0.08    329408460       78 | lt    Lithuania
 0.03  0.10    457356885       75 | se    Sweden
 0.03  0.09    388606608       75 | il    Israel
 0.03  0.06    283453394       71 | ee    Estonia
 0.03  0.08    331636309       70 | pk    Pakistan
 0.03  0.06    282793189       69 | ua    Ukraine
 0.03  0.09    408749025       65 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.03  0.14    592569422       63 | ae    United Arab Emirates
 0.03  0.06    262961571       63 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.02  0.02     94319870       43 | tr    Turkey
 0.02  0.10    435803658       40 | co    Colombia
 0.01  0.03    119116574       35 | lb    Lebanon

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
70.39  0.01     33938100   169607 | com.tucows
11.97 24.23 106227689609    28833 | Unresolved
 1.57  5.10  22362266249     3792 |
 1.19  5.48  24019141370     2870 | com.googlebot
 0.99  2.64  11574004927     2395 | com.bitdefender
 0.53  0.84   3665744986     1278 | de.teledata-dsl
 0.45  1.15   5049619714     1094 | net.opera-mini
 0.17  0.22    956781768      398 | pl.tpnet.adsl.neoplus
 0.14  0.01     21934765      339 |
 0.13  0.11    497364439      324 | net.hinet.dynamic
 0.13  0.00       182598      318 |
 0.12  0.81   3539526090      294 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.11  0.00     10375581      277 |
 0.11  0.02     81461000      265 | net.mtngprs.18.15.206
 0.10  0.03    131362269      232 |
 0.09  0.76   3332524142      224 | com.rr.res.socal
 0.09  0.62   2724776313      224 |
 0.08  0.02     76828559      199 |
 0.08  0.60   2623320672      197 | net.embarqhsd.dhcp
 0.08  0.27   1170297475      186 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.07  0.53   2320996570      175 |
 0.07  0.31   1339778143      165 |
 0.07  0.53   2336096828      162 |
 0.07  0.26   1159069490      160 | com.netvigator
 0.07  0.22    974837389      159 | com.ctinets
 0.06  0.32   1410711049      150 | net.spcsdns.pools
 0.06  0.51   2251025369      142 | com.mchsi.client
 0.06  0.31   1352723948      142 | org.trendnet.sdi
 0.06  0.50   2182921743      141 |
 0.06  0.00        40500      135 | net.agava.vps
 0.06  0.21    905084139      134 |
 0.05  0.11    494650769      131 | pl.chello.dynamic
 0.05  0.39   1698600384      128 |
 0.05  0.06    259112220      122 | pl.inetia.adsl
 0.05  0.06    283508814      120 | com.as13448
 0.05  0.11    501578956      115 |
 0.05  0.04    172126475      112 | net.wateen
 0.05  0.23   1005059277      110 | be.telenet.access
 0.04  0.02     86494216      106 |
 0.04  0.34   1509847902      105 |
 0.04  0.34   1485927657      105 |
 0.04  0.37   1637701882      104 |
 0.04  0.34   1485176131      104 |
 0.04  0.32   1415899111      104 | com.direcway
 0.04  0.14    626668651      100 |
 0.04  0.25   1097653227       98 | lv.lanet
 0.04  0.01     27551747       97 | 98-bj-cnc.29.103
 0.04  0.32   1421951212       94 |
 0.04  0.31   1358162824       94 | net.centurytel.dyn
 0.04  0.16    694181705       94 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
15.02  0.21    937250600    36184 | /files4/IVideoWare_Video_Converter_Ultimate_8.exe
12.01  0.14    615448372    28947 | /files7/
 4.33  0.02     95609808    10434 | /files4/
 4.22 21.42  93878410434    10175 | /files/LimeWireWin.exe
 3.51  0.26   1136611257     8467 | /files4/ie6setupOe.exe
 2.90  1.28   5616076124     6988 | /files6/OODefrag11ProfessionalEnu.exe
 2.08  1.74   7630764352     5022 | /files2/X-Lite3_29712.exe
 2.06  0.07    319566303     4961 | /files4/WINISO53.EXE
 1.71  0.68   2963810431     4114 | /files7/tvsetup80.exe
 1.70  7.29  31966099694     4092 | /files5/winzip150.exe
 1.34  0.11    475311369     3217 | /files/
 0.98  0.02     94948440     2367 | /files5/Mp3TubeToolbar.exe
 0.92  2.34  10261727124     2227 | /files/Ad-Aware90Install.msi
 0.92  1.84   8050381265     2225 | /files7/freedwgviewer.exe
 0.84  0.77   3378752258     2024 | /files4/TeamViewer_Setup.exe
 0.78  0.22    947565882     1868 | /files2/
 0.73  2.82  12357050380     1753 | /files/SpybotSD_1.6.2.exe
 0.57  0.06    284745367     1382 | /files2/azmid170.exe
 0.57  3.72  16320112670     1381 | /files/winzip155.exe
 0.56  1.02   4472767511     1359 | /files/Opera_1101_en_Setup.exe
 0.56  2.69  11781941565     1347 | /files3/
 0.55  6.00  26302183482     1333 | /files/iTunes_64Setup.exe
 0.48  0.07    317331661     1167 | /files2/setup_magicdisc.exe
 0.45  0.20    889380095     1094 | /files2/setup_mj.exe
 0.43  0.16    719820065     1047 | /files3/Live_TV.exe
 0.43  2.08   9096278625     1032 | /files6/DivXInstaller.exe
 0.41  0.28   1209575410      990 | /files2/zweifull.exe
 0.38  0.05    219129524      911 | /files3/pdfcompress.exe
 0.33  0.89   3915231260      799 | /files/SpywareTerminator_Setup2_5.exe
 0.32  0.09    378054609      781 | /files4/pn30lous.exe
 0.31  0.09    376648061      752 | /files5/
 0.31  0.13    587740809      744 | /files3/exifersetup.exe
 0.31  0.15    658609113      739 | /files3/free_power_word_to_pdf_converter.exe
 0.28  0.22    968554716      670 | /files1/BigBrotherKeyloggerSetup.exe
 0.27  0.46   2005095472      642 | /files5/jre-6u18-windows-i586.exe
 0.26  0.20    873594378      618 | /files1/FreeFastMpegCut.exe
 0.25  0.99   4333081234      608 | /files4/z_spyware_seizer.exe
 0.24  2.64  11572865968      569 | /files/spybotsd-2.0.5-beta3.exe
 0.23  0.38   1686198000      562 | /files/MS_Security_Essentials.exe
 0.23  0.16    712555778      562 | /files3/dhcpt_std_free.exe
 0.21  0.39   1704753330      516 | /files/Zemana_AntiLogger_1.9.2.243.exe
 0.20  0.00        96400      482 | /files1/setup.exe
 0.19  0.87   3824793104      465 | /files/FSS_PH60.exe
 0.19  0.16    717682490      463 | /files4/sonique196.exe
 0.19  0.20    856372518      459 | /files4/voicemaskpro.exe
 0.19  0.09    401287428      457 | /files7/super-internet-tv-setup81.exe
 0.19  0.03    124835499      454 | /files4/FIC.exe
 0.19  0.03    110549111      452 | /files6/rawview.exe
 0.18  0.21    926230310      441 | /files/FirefoxTucows.exe
 0.18  0.05    199235664      429 | /files1/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0