World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 15:33:00 (GMT +0300)

Totals for Summary Period: Sep 1 2011 to Sep 30 2011

Requests Received During Summary Period          734327
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period     10127750246
Average Requests Received Daily                   24478
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily               337591675

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
28.67 24.50   2481768587   210523 | unresolved 
23.11 27.71   2806330237   169702 | net   Network
11.31 11.00   1113622293    83041 | com   Commercial
 6.89  2.84    287171395    50568 | lv    Latvia
 2.90  2.37    239635947    21302 | it    Italy
 2.28  5.32    538893963    16759 | de    Germany
 1.99  3.77    382282951    14588 | ru    Russian Federation
 1.91  1.61    162673325    13998 | nl    Netherlands
 1.23  1.11    112207572     9049 | au    Australia
 1.12  0.98     99187021     8227 | pl    Poland
 1.01  0.89     89751843     7426 | mx    Mexico
 0.90  1.01    101866208     6632 | jp    Japan
 0.83  0.68     69025865     6129 | ca    Canada
 0.75  0.77     78315358     5538 | fr    France
 0.75  1.38    139792363     5520 | se    Sweden
 0.74  0.68     69050886     5435 | fi    Finland
 0.70  0.65     65747807     5121 | be    Belgium
 0.69  0.60     60689680     5034 | gr    Greece
 0.68  0.91     91936449     5014 | ch    Switzerland
 0.66  0.93     93722094     4841 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.65  0.52     52434982     4753 | ar    Argentina
 0.63  0.56     56769950     4594 | no    Norway
 0.56  0.32     31995796     4085 | ee    Estonia
 0.54  0.55     55341900     3996 | br    Brazil
 0.53  0.46     46619021     3891 | dk    Denmark
 0.52  0.63     63899402     3802 | at    Austria
 0.45  0.38     38682904     3325 | es    Spain
 0.43  0.36     36742194     3154 | hu    Hungary
 0.42  0.79     79891587     3055 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.39  0.31     31520317     2883 | sg    Singapore
 0.34  0.32     32479777     2523 | edu   Educational
 0.31  0.28     27997364     2286 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.30  0.30     30766926     2197 | ro    Romania
 0.30  0.27     27774062     2177 | id    Indonesia
 0.25  0.16     16416165     1872 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.25  0.17     17090841     1824 | lt    Lithuania
 0.23  0.35     34974160     1703 | ua    Ukraine
 0.23  0.22     22458057     1701 | tr    Turkey
 0.22  0.20     20229987     1645 | za    South Africa
 0.22  0.19     19463202     1602 | pt    Portugal
 0.20  0.16     16509554     1439 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.20  0.15     15070049     1434 | th    Thailand
 0.18  0.16     16121093     1322 | co    Colombia
 0.18  0.32     32662012     1299 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.18  0.17     17530816     1288 | in    India
 0.15  0.13     13593306     1115 | il    Israel
 0.14  0.12     11652899     1024 | rs    Serbia
 0.09  0.08      7874178      690 | bg    Bulgaria
 0.09  0.09      8998215      677 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.09  0.08      8447048      661 | uy    Uruguay

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
28.67 24.50   2481768587   210523 | Unresolved
 6.73  4.95    501429844    49392 |
 2.39  0.99    100412535    17516 | com.googlebot
 1.94  4.47    452594589    14257 | net.t-dialin.dip
 1.24  1.02    103506668     9126 |
 1.18  1.19    120737145     8632 |
 0.93  0.26     26522350     6797 | lv.lanet
 0.87  0.17     17327338     6377 |
 0.83  0.78     78684726     6085 |
 0.75  1.82    184602047     5475 | net.arcor-ip.pools
 0.66  0.54     54622915     4855 |
 0.65  0.24     24149689     4762 | lv.ngn
 0.60  0.64     64822019     4380 |
 0.45  0.40     40480006     3284 | net.opera-mini
 0.41  0.53     53658884     2994 |
 0.40  0.20     20044235     2938 |
 0.38  1.30    131348501     2823 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.38  0.29     29521590     2795 |
 0.38  0.73     74405814     2763 | net.mediaways.pool
 0.37  0.17     17441653     2696 | lv.tele2.cust
 0.37  0.31     31415606     2682 |
 0.34  0.22     22740362     2513 | lv.balticom
 0.34  0.40     40982957     2511 | net.as13285
 0.33  0.27     27810033     2450 | be.telenet.access
 0.32  0.13     12974126     2358 | lv.lattelecom.optika
 0.32  0.26     26067006     2343 | net.blackberry.rdns
 0.32  0.26     26678407     2340 | gr.otenet.home
 0.31  0.33     33382825     2281 | net.proxad.fbx
 0.29  0.55     55670505     2162 | de.alicedsl.adsl
 0.28  0.71     71991062     2085 | de.superkabel
 0.27  3.66    370935137     2005 | net.kyivstar.broadband
 0.27  0.03      3525750     1987 |
 0.26  0.24     24157812     1930 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.25  0.32     32252589     1813 | at.telekom.highway.adsl
 0.24  0.19     19357223     1784 | pl.tpnet.adsl.neoplus
 0.24  0.07      6863785     1738 |
 0.23  0.21     21448356     1715 | fi.inet.dhcp
 0.23  0.18     18536520     1706 | ca.bell.dsl
 0.23  0.10      9700678     1682 | lv.btv
 0.23  0.20     20058867     1679 |
 0.23  0.68     68958825     1677 | com.telia.tbcn
 0.23  0.53     54020462     1662 | de.unitymediagroup
 0.21  0.09      8951425     1519 | ee.kou.dyn.cdma
 0.21  0.10      9723742     1515 |
 0.20  0.14     14261275     1497 | com.theplanet.static.85ae.5
 0.20  0.17     17224760     1489 | net.hinet.dynamic
 0.20  0.09      8651008     1438 | net.savvis.uklond6
 0.19  0.19     19383799     1380 | com.2dayhost
 0.18  0.08      7707394     1358 | lv.icom
 0.18  0.15     15220799     1302 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 9.69 58.14   5888586922    71132 | /misc/charts/
 2.29  0.65     66184573    16790 | /cgi-bin/Count.cgi
 2.25  0.69     69915246    16530 | /
 0.39  0.02      2099176     2835 | /robots.txt
 0.35  0.10     10344994     2549 | /news/airplay/new.html
 0.27  1.65    167225011     1965 | /links/lschools.html
 0.26  0.28     27874749     1907 | /cgi-bin/texis/webinator/newsearch/
 0.16  0.26     26824962     1198 | /misc/charts/year.html
 0.15  0.06      5767042     1083 | /misc/charts/search.html
 0.14  3.80    384577064     1034 | /util/wwwstat/9711l.html
 0.14  0.16     16144627      994 | /users/judrups/Humor/elephqa.html
 0.13  0.53     53980307      930 | /links/lmusic.html
 0.10  0.02      1939538      728 | /news/spice/
 0.08  0.02      2178280      613 | /books/ipc/g/i314.html
 0.08  0.48     48852858      603 | /links/eschools.html
 0.08  0.02      2296406      571 | /info/intermat/prg/p329.htm
 0.08  0.13     13115365      561 | /users/judrups/Humor/canoneleph.html
 0.07  0.00       296368      507 | /cgi-bin/tulks-search
 0.06  0.04      3803364      451 | /
 0.06  0.00       236572      412 | /miv/
 0.05  0.09      8620108      397 | /info/intermat/liga/luzds.htm
 0.05  0.07      7201692      381 | /users/judrups/Humor/catolic.html
 0.05  0.02      1985390      377 | /miv/links/lv.html
 0.05  0.21     21298823      370 | /
 0.05  0.01      1293426      362 | /
 0.05  0.19     19737854      361 | /links/emusic.html
 0.05  0.01      1326120      350 | /cgi-bin/tulks-top
 0.04  0.01       641453      323 | /news/kiegelis/
 0.04  0.01      1200796      306 | /
 0.04  0.03      3367138      300 | /misc/charts/oldarch.html
 0.04  0.00       205395      295 | /miv/bottom/empty.html
 0.04  0.05      4965445      284 | /services/cusi/cusi.html
 0.04  0.00       405355      282 | /news/exch/bankas.html
 0.04  0.00       205732      269 | /misc/robots/violation.html
 0.03  0.02      2183239      252 | /info/intermat/liga/ekspon.htm
 0.03  0.04      4498858      247 | /links/lvtop.html
 0.03  0.02      1631296      247 | /links/other.html
 0.03  0.01      1220104      236 | /index/
 0.03  0.00       351662      227 | /news/
 0.03  0.00        94884      223 | /news/exch/
 0.03  0.03      3361096      220 | /misc/charts/oldch.html
 0.03  0.00       358676      216 | /members/
 0.03  0.01      1121203      214 | /misc/charts/persdj.html
 0.03  0.07      7324434      213 | /info/intermat/liga/trigsk.htm
 0.03  0.01       785556      206 | /news/rock/
 0.03  0.01      1071647      205 | /index/lindex.html
 0.03  0.00       293270      200 | /links/latvia.html
 0.03  0.09      9018012      198 | /info/intermat/liga/skaitli.htm
 0.03  0.01       759927      198 | /whatsnew.html
 0.03  0.00       395330      198 | /util/search/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0