What's New In This Server

Modified each working day:
  • Exchange Rates in the Bank of Latvia
  • Mirrors of main software archives

    Modified weekly:

  • Charts All Over the World
  • Latvian Airplay Top 40
  • Latvian Music Chart

    Modified monthly:

  • Latvia Related Internet Resources
  • Latvian Personal Home Pages
  • Latvian WWW Top 30
  • server statistics


    Latvian independent / alternative / underground music year poll 2004 is opened.


    Yesterday at 20:03 we joined our Charts All Over the World page to the Latvijas Reitingi competition for the most popular Latvian Web sites. After 7 minutes of participation our page got #7 position in Music category out of 60 participants. After one hour we were #3 in music category and #27 total. After 2 hours - #2 and #12 respectively. Counters of Latvijas Reitingi are reseted every midnight. Today we are at solid #1 in music category and #2 approx. since 12:00 till 20:30 and #1 in rest part of this day Latvian site overall. Quite good results for the page which is very very very poorly updated in this century due to lack of time for it. Admittedly, major part of most popular Latvian sites don't take participation in this competition.


    Latvian independent / alternative / underground music year poll is created.


    301 new link to Latvian schools related pages. Minor updates in page structure. I hope, city links, which are very outdated now, will be updated in next couple months.


    WWW server for the homepages of LANET users (home.lanet.lv) and virtual servers of organisations is moved to much faster computer. Unfortunately server for page updates and administration remains the same, slow one.


    Page of WWW Servers in Latvia is reshaped. Links to couple good similar services (Latvian web resource catalogues and Latvian search engines) outside of LANET plus a little historical material now replace our own list of servers.


    Page of FTP Servers in Latvia is reshaped. Links to couple good services outside of LANET now replace our own list of servers.


    92 new links to Latvian music pages


    LANET users in the University of Latvia now have free access to BNS (Baltic News Service) news


    89 new links to Latvian schools related pages


    55 new links to Latvian music pages


    218 new links to Latvian music pages


    141 new link to Latvian schools related pages


    Searching of this server is available after a long break. Now it is possible to search in RFC's, too.


    Since this day main Lanet webservers run on new computer.


    32 new links to Latvian music pages


    25 new links to Latvian schools related pages


    78 new links to Latvian music pages

    Whats New '00

    Whats New '99

    Whats New '98

    Whats New '97

    Whats New '96

    Whats New '95

    Atis Kluss: webmaster

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